Trace and Access of an underfloor leak

Underfloor leaks are a common occurrence in Ireland as all our pipework tends to be hidden under the floor normally in concrete or under suspended flooring on ground floors. Several years ago plumbers had to jackhammer up concrete floors trying to trace and access leaks for repair purposes. This could involve removing undamaged floors and then policyholders expected insurers to pick up the bill for everything. At the time Plumbers would know they had a drop in pressure on the system or perhaps could hear a leak on an incoming water mains but if there were no surface signs of water damage then a plumber would start taking up floors. Thankfully modern technology has stepped in and there are now companies specialising in tracing underfloor leaks using infra-red cameras etc.
Insurers however took steps years ago to limit their exposure to trace and access and put a limit on it. The limit is normally €750 for a domestic property. As in all these situations the policy needs to be read carefully. In PCLA we always get the insurance company to inspect damaged floors before the plumber’s repair. This is important especially when it comes to tiling on concrete. It must be demonstrated to the insurance company that the tiles are damaged, boasted (hollow sound made when touched) before the floor taken up and the leak repaired. In an underfloor leak situation, PCLA use state of the art moisture meters and we carry out a full dampness survey showing insurers what has been damaged by the water and thus being able to include the flooring in the claim and not just claim for “Trace & Access”.
If you have damage as a result of an underfloor leak, have it professionally assessed. In Property Claims Loss Assessors Ltd we are Building Surveyors with over 20 years’ experience. In addition to water leak damage we also cover damage from storms, fire, flood, subsidence, break-ins, etc. Our first survey is free and we are a ‘no win no fee’ company.

Trace and access of an underfloor leak

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