Dangers of Hot Weather

We certainly always appreciate hot weather when it comes in Ireland. However, the chances of accidental fires increase as the weather gets hotter. Everything like burnt grass all of a sudden becomes combustible. Recent gorse fires in Sleeve Bloom mountains would have the hot weather to blame. Even household items in garden sheds can be dangerous.

Flammable Substances

Flammable and combustible products are used for a wide variety of
purposes and are commonly found in the home. Gasoline is
the most common, but there are other flammable and combustible liquids
and gases used in the home including:

  • paint solvents
  • lighter fluid
  • dry cleaning agents
  • butane
  • pesticides
  • oil
  • spray paint
  • kerosene
  • propane
  • diesel fuel
  • turpentine
  • nail polish

Many households use natural gas, propane or fuel oil heating. Each
product poses a serious health or fire danger if not used and stored properly.

A lot of the above products are common in Garden sheds. Cut grass and leaves etc. if stored in plastic bags can generate heat as it decays and can lead to fires. Always leaves the tops of these bags open to allow the heat dissipate naturally. Attached are images of a garden shed that caught fire in hot weather conditions

  • After using paint, stain, finishing oils or solvents, seal the containers and store them in a safe place.
  • Properly dispose of oily rags to avoid the possibility of spontaneous combustion. That means placing the rags in a steel bucket with a self-closing lid. Alternatively, hang the rags on a line in a single layer to dry. Keep them far away from heat and fire sources.

Fires require three things: fuel, oxygen and heat. Keep those three things from coming together and you have taken a big step in reducing the chances of a fire. Good storage makes that possible.

  • Keep all combustibles away from regular sources of heat or fire, such as water heaters, space heaters, furnaces and boilers.
  • Store flammable products such as wood finishes, spray paint and paint thinner in a dedicated storage container with a closed door.

You don’t have to spend much money to buy what you need to alert you about a fire or put a fire out before it spreads.

  • Keep a fire extinguisher in your shed or workshop, preferably stored close to an exit door. Equip the garage or workshop with the proper type of smoke alarm.

If you do have a fire and are making a claim always use an experienced Loss Assessor. Property Claims Loss Assessors Ltd have over 20 years of experience in making claims.

Our first survey is free and we are a ‘no win no fee’ company. Our fees are 10% plus vat. Contact us at – ROI +353 1 562 0082     NI +44 28 9521 2991 WEB www.pcla.ie Email info@pcla.ie

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