In Property Claims Loss Assessors (PCLA) we deal with water damage claims on a daily basis. Where a house is new or where the house has recently been replumbed we are being advised by Insurance companies that they may take a legal recovery action against the plumber in the case of a water damage claim caused by a leaking pipe. The statute of limitations is a time limit which outlines the length of time wherby Insurance companies are ‘statue barred’ from claiming against plumbers. In property it is 6 years. We always advise Plumbing companies to be limited rather than sole trader. If you’re limited then your personal assets are more protected but if you’re a sole trader they may not be, it would be best to take legal and accountant advise before making any changes.
Protect Yourself Against Water Damage
How can you protect yourself in these situations? As we in PCLA do a lot of court work and are expert witnesses we understand what Judges look for. Unfortunately good record keeping and paper work is becoming a major necessity . keep a good diary ( a full A4 page per day is preferable) and under where you list appointments we advise several notes below.
- Make sure you have the correct contact details and address for the client
- Fully describe all works you were asked to carry out.
- Keep a record of all tests eg. after the job is complete did you pressure test the pipe/ installation and how long did the test last.
- We’ve seen numerous situations where people throw their bags in an attic/hot press areas and cause leaks. Similarly the press under the sink may be cluttered and affecting plumbing. Keep a note of attic and hot press contents and all areas you are working in.
- Keep a record of payment as it is a clients acknowledgement of satisfaction.
In PCLA we help advise and protect Plumbers who are part of our referral network. Plumbers who refer work to us also will receive a referral fee.