Is your Property Subsiding?

So more and more cracks are appearing in your home, what do you do about it? You are covered for subsidence under your home insurance policy. Subsidence is a downward movement of your foundations and walls. If you think your floor is dropping in a certain direction this can be confirmed by a spirit level or rolling a golf ball along the floor it will go towards the downward corner. Then call an Engineer or you can call us. Our first survey is free and we are Engineers and building surveyors. When we survey your house this is what we look for

  1. Alignment of the cracks, are they pointing towards a corner or side of the house. Are the cracks wider at the top than at the bottom? If so it suggests subsidence.
  2. We then look at the history of the cracks. When did they first appear? Were they ever filled and when. When were the walls last painted? Is there paint inside the cracks?
  3. What insurance policy or policies have covered the house since the cracks were first noticed? We once did a claim where three insurance companies were on cover. If the companies have a subsidence agreement between them then the lead insurer will pay the claim and look for contributions from the others. If not then all three may have to be legally sued, we did this successfully on several occasions.

If you have damage as a result of subsidence, have it professionally assessed. In Property Claims Loss Assessors Ltd we are Engineers and Building Surveyors with over 20 years’ experience. In addition to subsidence claims, we also assess damage from pipe leaks, storm, flood, subsidence, break-ins, etc. Our first survey is free and we are a ‘no win no fee’ company.

Call us:
ROI: Land 01 5620082 Mob 087 6165435
NI: Land 028 95212991 Mob 077 95374150
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