Recently we have been asked to assess numerous claims involving newly installed plumbing systems. The problems were specific to a push on ¾’’ fittings with a rubber insert onto qual-pex piping on the hot water heating system. The inserts perish over time (2-3 years). The heating systems were failing joint by joint, as each fitting was replaced the next downstream one would go next like a domino effect.
In all of the above situations the manufacturer has admitted liability and in addition to replacing the faulty fittings, we are also claiming for full trace and access, the cost of all repairs to ceilings floors walls etc and the cost of temporary electric heaters and increased electrical bills. If you have to take unpaid time off work to deal with these issues or there is other major inconvenience, we can add for these issues too. Finally, you can also claim for your assessors’ fees in full.
In both cases the manufacturers of the faulty fittings admitted liability and are dealing with the claims. What happens if manufacturers deny liability? Can you claim on your own home policy? Yes, you can but the process is less straight forward, call PCLA to discuss the options.
If you have damage as a result of a leaking pipes, have it professionally assessed. In Property Claims Loss Assessors Ltd we are Engineers and Building Surveyors with over 20 years’ experience. Knowing where water can go e.g. electrical boxes and conduits, behind skirting boards etc. and how to professionally dry everything is always a normal part of our assessment. In addition to water damage we also cover damage from fire, storm, flood, subsidence, break-ins, etc. Our first survey is free and we are a ‘no win no fee’ company.
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ROI: Land 01 5620082 Mob 087 6165435
NI: Land 028 95212991 Mob 077 95374150
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