Leaking Showers

People commonly call us and ask us are shower leaks covered. It depends on what element of the shower is leaking. If the water is leaking through the tiles or through the seals between the tiles and the tray, then the damage is not covered. If the damage is as a result of the hot, cold or waste pipe leaking then generally it is covered. A plumbers report to confirm this will be needed by your insurance company. Check your seals regularly and reseal when needed, you are obliged under the terms of your home insurance policy to maintain your property to prevent issues. The picture below is a good example of when a shower needs to be resealed.

If you have damage as a result of a pipe leak from a shower, have it professionally assessed. In Property Claims Loss Assessors Ltd we are Engineers and Building Surveyors with over 20 years’ experience. Our first survey is free and we are a ‘no win no fee’ company. Call us.
ROI Land 01 5620082 Mob 087 6165435
NI Land 028 95212991 Mob 077 95374150
Web www.pcla.ie Email info@pcla.ie