Water Damage Claims

In Property Claims Loss Assessors (PCLA) we deal with water damage claims on a daily basis. Where a house is new or where the house has recently been replumbed we are being advised by Insurance companies that they may take a legal recovery action against the plumber in the case of a water damage claim […]

Burst Pipes & Water Damage

When a pipe bursts, the damage caused can be devastating. It’s not just the physical damage caused to the property that is a problem, but you can also lose precious objects and things of sentimental value. Nor is the damage from a burst pipe confined to what is immediately obvious. Sometimes the water damage can […]

How to Prevent Burst Pipes

Pipes can burst for all kinds of reasons, and also water pipes may be made from different materials, so that can affect both the tendency of them to burst and the causes. The most common cause of burst water pipes is freezing. This will affect both metal and plastic pipes, while pipes made from more […]